Foshan Teaching Investigation Group to Guangxi
The 3rd part of the story about teachers from Guangdong aid to Guangxi   (504)

In order to have further development of Guangdong aid to Guangxi, the Education Office organizes an investigative group to have a visit to the teachers from Foshan who teach there for the Guangdong aid to Guangxi in Hechi city. Leading by Xiaoqin Yang, the deputy director of Foshan Education Office, there were 44 persons who come from Chancheng, Nanhai, Shunde and Sanshui to make up of this investigative group. This trip gives them a chance to have further understanding of the Education-Supporting Program in Hechi, Guangxi Province. Besides that, the investigation held a symposium with the teachers there and helped them to solve the problem during their work. At the same time, the investigative group donated some money and realias to those poor students in the Education-Supporting School.

(Amy Huo)

The Symposium

De’an Hou, the Assistant Consultant in Foshan Education Office

Xiaoqin Yang, the Deputy Director of Foshan Education Office

Huijun Wu,the Deputy Director of Hechi Education Office

(From left to right)

Rongfan Zeng, the Deputy Director of Shunde Education Office

Shiping Deng, the Vice-chair man in political consultative conference of Chancheng

(From left to right)

  Sitao Zhou, the Deputy Director of Nanhai Education Office

Guohui He, the  Director of Sanshui Education Office

(From left to right)

the teachers in Hechi Education-Supporting Program from Foshan

the visiting of BaikuYaoZu Ecology Museum in Nandan

the investigation of Hechi Education Office

on the left side is the Director Meng in Hechi Education Office

the visiting of HuaiLi Elementary School


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